Malena Haas: FREEBIE Friday Printable Spending or Expense Tracker

When it comes to managing our finances, it’s essential to keep track of our expenses. This allows us to gain a clear understanding of where our money is going and helps us make informed decisions about our spending habits. Fortunately, there are various tools and resources available to help us simplify the process. In this article, we will explore some of the best printable expense trackers that can assist us in maintaining a comprehensive record of our expenses.

  1. Personal Finance Challenge - March - Eliminate One Expense From Your

Personal Finance Challenge - March - Eliminate One Expense From YourIf you are up for a personal finance challenge, this printable expense tracker is perfect for you. It encourages you to identify one expense that you can eliminate from your monthly budget. By doing so, you can save money and redirect those funds towards your financial goals. This printable tracker is visually appealing and easy to use, making it a great tool to kickstart your financial journey.

  1. Expense Tracker Printables - 20 FREE Options | Printabulls

Expense Tracker Printables - 20 FREE Options | PrintabullsPrintabulls offers 20 different printable expense tracker options, catering to a variety of needs and preferences. From weekly trackers to yearly summaries, you can choose the format that works best for you. These printables are not only functional but also visually appealing, with vibrant colors and organized layouts. Whether you prefer a simple design or a more detailed breakdown of your expenses, Printabulls has got you covered.

  1. FREE Expense Tracker Printable | Customize Online

FREE Expense Tracker Printable | Customize OnlineFor those who prefer the convenience of customizing their expense trackers online, this free printable from 101planners is perfect. You can fill in your expenses electronically and customize the categories to align with your financial goals and lifestyle. This digital format allows for easy editing and offers a clutter-free, organized approach to expense tracking. Simply print out the completed tracker or save it digitally for future reference.

  1. Monthly Expense Tracker Template Printable Monthly Budget | Etsy

Monthly Expense Tracker Template Printable Monthly Budget | EtsyIf you’re looking for a visually appealing and comprehensive monthly expense tracker, this template from Etsy is worth considering. With sections dedicated to various expense categories, you can easily track and analyze your spending habits. The template also includes space to note your monthly income, allowing you to calculate your savings or identify areas where you may need to cut back. This printable expense tracker is available for download and can be printed at your convenience.

  1. Printable Monthly Expense Tracker | shop fresh

Printable Monthly Expense Tracker | shop freshshop fresh offers a printable monthly expense tracker that is designed with simplicity and functionality in mind. This tracker allows you to input your expenses, categorize them, and monitor your spending habits. By regularly filling in this printable, you can gain a better understanding of your financial patterns and identify areas where you can make adjustments. The clean and uncluttered design of this tracker makes it easy to read and use.


Keeping track of our expenses is essential for effective financial management. These printable expense trackers offer a convenient and practical way to monitor our spending habits, identify areas for improvement, and work towards our financial goals. Whether you prefer a digital format that can be customized online or a visually appealing printable template, there are plenty of options available to cater to your needs.

Remember, it’s crucial to stay disciplined and consistent when using expense trackers. Make it a habit to regularly update your tracker and review your spending patterns. By doing so, you will be able to make informed decisions about your finances and achieve greater control over your money.