Template For Small Gift Box | Card Template

Today, I want to share with you some amazing gift box templates that you can use for various occasions. Whether it’s a birthday, wedding, or any special event, these templates will surely add a personal touch to your gifts. So, let’s dive in!

  1. Free Word, PDF & PSD Gift Box Templates

Free Gift Box Template

First up, we have a collection of 17+ gift box templates that are available in Word, PDF, and PSD formats. These templates are easy to customize and can be used for any occasion. You can add your own designs, text, and even photos to make the gift box truly unique.

  1. Creative Frugal Gift Box Templates

Creative Frugal Gift Boxes Templates

If you’re looking for something creative and frugal, then these printable gift box templates are perfect for you. They come in a variety of designs and can be easily printed and assembled. You can even add your own personal touch by decorating them with ribbons, stickers, or glitter.

  1. Box Templates on Pinterest

Box Templates on Pinterest

If you’re a fan of Pinterest, then you’ll love this collection of box templates. With a wide range of designs including hexagon boxes and candy boxes, you’ll find the perfect template for any occasion. These templates can be printed and assembled with ease, making your gift-giving experience hassle-free.

  1. Floral Printable Gift Box Template

Floral Printable Gift Box Template

If you’re looking for a more feminine touch, then this floral printable gift box template is just what you need. With its delicate floral patterns, this template is perfect for bridal showers, baby showers, or any other special occasion. It’s easy to print and assemble, and will definitely make your gift stand out.

  1. Crafts and DIY Gift Box

Crafts and DIY Gift Box

If you’re a fan of crafts and DIY projects, then this gift box template is for you. With its simple yet elegant design, this template can be easily customized to suit your style. You can use different colored papers, ribbons, and even add embellishments to create a unique and personalized gift box.

  1. Gift Box 2

Gift Box 2

This gift box template is simple and minimalist, making it perfect for any occasion. You can use it to package small gifts or even as a favor box for weddings or parties. It’s easy to assemble and can be customized with your own designs or personalized messages.

  1. Free & Premium Box Templates

Free & Premium Box Templates

For those who are looking for a wide variety of box templates, this collection is perfect for you. With 36+ templates available for free and premium download, you’ll find the perfect box template for any occasion. These templates are easy to customize and can be printed or digitally shared.

  1. Mini Gift Box Template

Mini Gift Box Template

If you’re looking for a smaller gift box template, then this mini gift box template is just what you need. It’s perfect for packaging small items like jewelry, chocolates, or other small gifts. You can print and assemble it easily, and even add your own personal touch with ribbons or stickers.

  1. Gift Box Template

Gift Box Template

Last but not least, we have a beautiful gift box template that can be customized to suit any occasion. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or holiday, this template will add a touch of elegance to your gift. It’s easy to print and assemble, and you can even add your own personalized message inside.

So, there you have it - a collection of stunning gift box templates that are perfect for any occasion. Whether you’re looking for something simple and elegant or creative and frugal, these templates have got you covered. Get creative and add a personal touch to your gifts with these amazing templates!