10+ Rectangle Box Templates - DOC, PDF | Free & Premium Templates

Here’s a collection of the best rectangular box templates that you can print for free. These templates are not only practical but also aesthetically pleasing. They come in various designs, sizes, and styles, making them perfect for a wide range of purposes. Whether you need them for gift boxes, storage containers, or creative craft projects, these rectangular box templates have got you covered.

  1. Rectangular Box Template Printable PDF

Rectangular Box Template Printable PDFIf you’re looking for a versatile rectangular box template, this one is a great choice. It is customizable and comes in a PDF format, making it easy to print and use. With its clean and minimalist design, you can personalize it by adding your own decorations or patterns. It’s perfect for packaging small gifts or storing small items in an organized manner.

  1. Best Rectangular Box Templates & Designs

Best Rectangular Box Templates & DesignsFor those who want a more professional-looking rectangular box template, this collection of designs is worth checking out. These templates are available in both free and premium versions, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your needs. From simple and elegant designs to intricate patterns, you’ll find a template that matches your style and purpose.

  1. Box Template Printable

Box Template PrintableIf simplicity is what you’re looking for, this box template is perfect for you. With clean lines and a minimalist design, it’s ideal for those who prefer a more understated look. This template is easy to assemble and can be used for various purposes, such as organizing small items or creating party favors. Simply print, cut, fold, and glue – and you’re ready to go!


RECTANGULAR BOX TEMPLATEThis rectangular box template offers a unique and eye-catching design. Its square shape makes it suitable for storing small items or gifting items of various shapes. With its PDF format, you can easily adjust the size to fit your needs. Whether you’re creating a gift box for a special occasion or organizing your desk, this template will add a touch of elegance to your project.

  1. 6" Rectangle Box

6" Rectangle BoxFor those who need a larger rectangular box template, this 6" version is perfect. With its size, it can accommodate bigger items or multiple items at once. Whether you’re preparing a gift for a loved one or need a storage solution, this template will come in handy. It can be easily printed and assembled, making it a convenient choice for anyone.

  1. Simple Rectangular Box Template

Simple Rectangular Box TemplateThis template is perfect for those who prefer a straightforward and minimalist design. With its simplicity, it allows you to focus on the content or gift inside the box. Whether you’re creating party favors or packaging small items, this template is versatile enough to suit any occasion. Just print, fold, and glue – and you’ll have a beautiful box ready to be used.

  1. Rectangular Box Template with Measurements

Rectangular Box Template with MeasurementsIf accuracy is important to you, this template with measurements will be your go-to choice. It provides precise measurements, ensuring that your box is perfectly sized and fits your needs. Whether you’re a perfectionist or want to create professional-looking boxes, this template is a must-have. You’ll find it incredibly useful for a wide range of projects, from crafts to storage solutions.

  1. Rectangular Box DIY Template

Rectangular Box DIY TemplateFor the creative souls out there, this DIY template is a great option. With its customizable design, you can add your personal touch and create a unique box that reflects your style. Whether you’re using it for gifts or as a decorative item, this template allows you to unleash your creativity. Get inspired and let your imagination run wild with this versatile rectangular box template.

  1. Best Rectangular Box Template Printable

Best Rectangular Box Template PrintableIf you’re still searching for the best rectangular box template, this printable version is worth considering. It offers a wide range of designs and styles, ensuring that you’ll find the perfect template for your needs. Simply print, cut, fold, and assemble – and you’ll have a beautiful rectangular box ready to be used. From gift boxes to storage solutions, this collection has it all.

  1. Rectangle Box Template Printable Ideas

Rectangle Box Template Printable IdeasLooking for more inspiration? This collection of printable rectangle box templates will provide you with countless ideas. Whether you’re looking for a specific design or want to explore different creative possibilities, this collection has something for everyone. Choose from various styles, sizes, and patterns – and let your imagination run wild. The possibilities are endless with these versatile rectangular box templates.

In conclusion, these rectangular box templates offer a wide range of options for your packaging and organizational needs. From simple and elegant designs to more intricate and eye-catching patterns, there’s a template to suit every taste. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or need a professional-looking solution, these printable templates are the perfect choice. Start printing and let your creativity shine with these amazing rectangular box templates!